Dec 8, 2010 -
- Tématem posledních dní je WikiLeaks.
- Nejen tady, ale všeobecně se o problémech USA píše s nestydatostí, za níž je cítit vědomí, že si to dotyční mohou dovolit (vůči islámským „bojovníkům“ bývají často zdrženlivější).
- Člověk za tím psaním cítí jakousi tichou radost, jak se v tom zase Amíci zkoupali – nepochopitelnou, protože každé oslabení Ameriky, která se pořád ještě dovede bránit, znamená oslabení i pro Evropu, která se už dovede bránit jen proti svým spojencům, když jí chtějí příliš účinně pomáhat.
- Chyby dělá každý, blaze těm, co se z nich dovedou poučit.
- Obnovit věrohodnost USA bude pracné.
- Amerika se však nepochybně poučí.
- Není vyloučeno, že některé škody nelze napravit
- V čem spočívala americká chyba? Neberme si zbytečné servítky – v tom, že jednomu vlastizrádci se podařilo probourat nedokonalé chránění americké diplomatické korespondence.
- Obsah depeší nebyl určen ke zveřejnění, což je věc v diplomacii (a nejen v diplomacii) běžná.
- Takto získané informace pak využil pod záminkou, že zveřejněno a odhaleno musí být všechno (měl by tedy chodit nahatý), technicky obratný syčák a dal je k dispozici šikovně vybraným evropským médiím.
- Cílem samozřejmě nebylo rozšířit hájemství svobody, ale poškodit USA, v ušlechtilé motivy obou protagonistů nevěřím.
Na každého číhají nějaké WikiLeaks -
- Giuliano Giannetti: Schopnost udržovat své záměry v tajnosti vám dává moc.
- Budou-li všichni vědět všechno o Američanech, budou jejich protivníci, kteří své plány nezveřejňují, ve výhodě, protože mohou manévrovat.
- Kontrola nad informacemi je jeden ze základních atributů státu.
- Stát, který nedokáže kontrolovat informace, brzy skončí.
- Možná že by Spojené státy teoreticky mohly vypnout internet nebo proskenovat všechny počítače na internetu, ale ony na to už nemají sílu.
Wikileaks: Brought to you by the CIA Dec 6, 2010 - |
Julian Assange
Julian Assanage. Mainstreamová media ho milují.
Pravice ho nenávidí a používá ho k ospravedlnění cenzury internetu.
Western Civilization Has Shed Its Values by Paul Craig Roberts --
A number of American politicians have called for the US government to murder Julian Assange, as have journalists such as neoconservative propagandist Jonah Goldberg, who wrote: "Why wasn't Assange garroted in his hotel room years ago?"
Mnoho amerických politiků žádalo, aby US vláda Assangeho zavraždila.
Stejně tak žurnalisté, jako neokonzervativní propagandista Goldberg, který napsal: "Proč nebyl Assange před rokem uškrcen ve svém hotelovém pokoji?"
WikiLeaks' critics could not make it clearer that they do not believe in accountable government.
And to make certain that the government is not held accountable, WikiLeaks' critics are calling for every possible police state measure, including extra-judicial murder, to stamp out anyone who makes information available that enables the citizenry to hold government accountable.
Kritici Wikileals volají po jakémkoliv opatření policejního státu, včetně mimosoudní vraždy, aby byl odstraněn každý kdo zpřístupní informace, které umožní občanům činit vládu právně odpovědnou.
The US government definitely does not believe in accountable government.
Among the first things the Obama regime did was to make certain that there would be no investigation into the Bush regime's use of lies, fabricated "intelligence," and deception of the American public and the United Nations in order to further its agenda of conquering the independent Muslim states in the Middle East and turning them into US puppets.
US vláda určitě nevěří v právně zodpovědnou vládu.
Jednou z prvních věcí Obamova režimu bylo ujištění, že nebude žádné vyšetřování Bushova režimu za používání lží, fabrikování "tajných zpráv", podvádění americké veřejnosti a OSN s cílem prosadit svou agendu dobytí nezávislých muslimských států Středního východu a jejich přeměnu na US loutky.
The Obama regime also made certain that no member of the Bush regime would be held accountable for violating US and international laws, for torturing detainees, for war crimes, for privacy violations or for any of the other criminal acts of the Bush regime.
Obamův režim také ujistil, že žádný člen Bushova režimu nebude pohnán k zodpovědnosti za porušování US a mezinárodních zákonů, za mučení vězňů, za válečné zločiny, za narušování soukromí nebo dalších kriminálních aktů.
The leaked documents show that the last thing the US government wants anywhere is a government that is accountable to its own citizens instead of to the US government.
Uniklé dokumemnty ukazují, že poslední věc, kterou USA chtějí je, aby kterákoliv vláda byla odpovědná svým vlastním občanům namísto americké vládě.
The US government's frontal assault on freedom of information goes well beyond WikiLeaks and shutting down its host servers.
In a December 2 editorial, "Wave goodbye to Internet freedom," the Washington Times reports that Federal Communications Commission chairman Julius Genachowski has "outlined a plan to expand the federal government's power over the Internet."
Frontální útok na svobodu informací sahá dál než k Wikileaks.
Śéf federální kominikační komise nastínil plán expanze moci federální vlády na internet.
In my opinion, the most important of all the cables leaked is the secret directive sent by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to 33 US embassies and consulates ordering US diplomats to provide credit card numbers, email addresses, phone, fax and pager numbers, frequent-flyer account numbers and biographic and biometric information including DNA information on UN officials from the Secretary General down, including "heads of peace operations and political field missions."
In contrast, the information requested in the secret directive is the kind of information that would be used to steal a person's identity.
Závažná je direktiva Clintonové diplomatům získávat osobní údaje činitelů OSN. Účel - krádež osobní identity.
The report in the Guardian on December 2 that the CIA drew up the UN spy directive signed off by Hillary Clinton is a good indication that the United States government intended to compromise the United Nations and turn the organization, as it has done with so many governments, into a compliant instrument of American policy.
Cíl kompromitovat OSN, a jako řadu jiných vlád ji přeměnit na povolný nástroj americké politiky.
Dec 6, 2010 - |
The e-mail , from the Columia Office of Career Services, was posted on the website of Columbia student, Issandr El Amrani. It read :
From: "Office of Career Services"
Date: November 30, 2010 15:26:53 EST:
Hi students,
We received a call today from a SIPA alumnus who is working at the State Department. He asked us to pass along the following information to anyone who will be applying for jobs in the federal government, since all would require a background investigation and in some instances a security clearance
Ahoj studenti, dostali jsme zprávu ze Státního departmentu s doporučením předat ji každému kdo se bude ucházet o práci na federální vládě
The documents released during the past few months through Wikileaks are still considered classified documents. He recommends that you DO NOT post links to these documents nor make comments on social media sites such as Facebook or through Twitter. Engaging in these activities would call into question your ability to deal with confidential information, which is part of most positions with the federal government.
Dokumety zveřejněné skrz WikiLeaks jsou stále považovány za tajné. Doporučuje se neodkazovat na ně ani je nekomentovat v sociálních sítích od Facebooku po Twitter. Takové aktivity by zpochybnily vaši schopnost zacházet s důvěrnými informacemi...
Office of Career Services
WikiLeaks - Mirrors of our website Dec 7, 2010 - |
Wikileaks is currently under heavy attack.
In order to make it impossible to ever fully remove Wikileaks from the Internet, you will find below a list of mirrors of Wikileaks website and CableGate pages.
If you want to add your mirror to the list, see our Mass Mirroring Wikileaks page
Mirror List
Wikileaks is currently mirrored on 1005 sites (updated 2010-12-07 20:12 GMT)
WikiLeaks čelí těžkému útoku.
Aby nebylo možno WikiLeaks odstranit úplně z internetu, tato stránka už se zrcadlí na více než tisíci dalších verzích.
Rusové se smějí americkým depeším - |
- „Není to nic nového,“ ozývá se většinou v reakcích ruských novinářů i blogerů na zprávy o zločinech státní moci a místo dua Putin-Medveděv to naopak schytávají Američané.
- Z většinového ruského pohledu je totiž únik tajných informací především americkou blamáží, zesměšněním, které podrývá velmocenské ambice USA a jejich schopnost vystupovat ve světě jako politická autorita.
- Reakce amerických úřadů, které údajně zakazují svým občanům byť jen posílat internetové odkazy na informace WikiLeaks pod hrozbou trestu za spoluúčast na prozrazení státního tajemství, jsou navíc v očích mnoha Rusů důkazem selhání principů vychvalované americké demokracie.
Clinton hailed Internet freedom as tool to ‘spread truth and expose injustice’ | Raw Story Dec 8, 2010 - |
Clintonová, leden2010 - svoboda internetu je životně důležitý nástroj otevřeného vládnutí .
"In many respects, information has never been so free," Clinton said at the Washington, D.C.
"There are more ways to spread more ideas to more people than at any moment in history.
Even in authoritarian countries, information networks are helping people discover new facts and making governments more accountable."
Dokonce i v autoritářských zemích informační sítě pomáhají lidem odhalovat nová fakta a činit vlády více zodpovědnými.
Clinton also condemned the leak in strong terms.
"Let's be clear: This disclosure is not just an attack on America's foreign policy interests," she told reporters last week.
"It is an attack on the international community -- the alliances and partnerships, the conversations and negotiations that safeguard global security and advance economic prosperity."
Clintonová minulý týden o odhaleních WikiLeaks - je to nejen útok na zájmy americké zahraniční politiky, ale i útok na celé mezinárodní společenství ...
| 'Anonymous': How dangerous is hacker network defending WikiLeaks? - Dec 10, 2010 -
A self-styled and loosely affiliated group of Internet-freedom fighters dubbed “Anonymous” has morphed into a borderless digital militia, slinging Twitter posts and virtual handbills across cyberspace to coordinate digital attacks in defense of WikiLeaks and becoming a new force to be reckoned with on the Internet. In the global furor since WikiLeaks' release of secret US documents and the arrest of the group's founder, Julian Assange, cyber attackers have crippled corporate websites. To do so they have deployed old digital weaponry forged by new social media tools into a novel virtual global attack system that is leaderless, anonymous and powerful. "Operation Payback" is the name that Anonymous has given its cyber-retribution campaign against corporations that have withdrawn support and services from Mr. Assange, who was arrested in Britain this week on a Swedish rape charge. As of Thursday, the group's attacks had crippled or brought down with distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks at least a half dozen major websites belonging to Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, the Swiss bank Postfinance and others that withdrew services to WikiLeaks. "This is probably the largest attack of its kind," Derek Manky, an Internet security expert at Fortinet, a Sunnyvale, Calif., computer security company. "It's not just one specific audience trying to launch an attack. It's a much more global audience – a global group – and these targets that they're taking down are not small." Use of social media is key "We will fire at anyone or anything that tries to censor WikiLeaks. … Twitter, you're next,” reads one such handbill circulated Monday prior to a second DDoS attack on Paypal, according to Panda Labs, an Internet security research firm. Anonymous is urging others to join in taking action – without thinking too deeply about the ethics or consequences, say those who have observed the workings of the group on websites and chat forums. It may be anonymous now – and it may get bigger – but it can't end well for people who do this. Someday they may kick the wrong hive." Čína
Dec 6, 2010 - Do you get the idea that Chinais patiently waiting in the wings, ready to become the premier nation in theworld when the time is ripe; when the combination of America's pursuit of foreign policyand its dire domestic problems causes it to implode economically? The Chinesemay aspire to replace the securities and large trade surpluses they, nodoubt, have a severe conflict of emotions over what happens to America andjust how they will have to react. China on therise, the In this somewhat tenuous, competitive relationship eachnation may be thinking, to take a quote from the old western movies, "this town(planet) ain't big enough for both of us." Chinahas massive economic power, the U.S.has a mighty military force; the future will tell which of these world powers willprevail. Čína má masivní ekonomickou moc, USA mocnou vojenskou sílu. Should Chinafear U.S.military power? Well, Chinahas a population of 1.3 billion people and the country is massive. The People'sLiberation Army (PLA) has 2.3 million active troops, the largest militaryin the world. It also has a sizable navy, air force and a strategic nuclearforce. Of course, China is verywary of America's militarymight and aggressive agenda of expansion, but it knows that the U.S. wouldthink long and hard before ever attacking it. China is the one country on thisplanet that represents the greatest obstacle to the continued domination of theAmerican empire. Čína je největši překážkou pokračující dominance amerického impéria. China , thesecond largest economy in the world is riding high; it is the fastest growingeconomy by far and will surpass the U.S. by about 2025. Sure, it hasmany serious domestic problems to deal with but, overall, conditions are relativelystable; it is growing ever stronger and gaining influence in the world; however,it is not involved in any aggressive military operations, it has no costlyempire to maintain; it is simply biding its time, watching the U.S. get deeperand deeper into foreign wars that are draining its resources. China is notonly America'smajor manufacturer, it also is the largest holder of our monumental nationaldebt. You might say that China"owns" the U.S. China holds an estimated $900 billion of U.S. securities, the largest holder of U.S. debt, with Japan second at $837 billion. Thereare those who feel that Chinamay have plans to cut back, or even stop its multi-billion dollar loans to the U.S. and, in fact, might begin selling off itsholdings of U.S.securities. That's highly unlikely to happen because, at least for the timebeing. Chinahas no intention of bringing down its #1 customer, i.e., killing its goldengoose. Je nepravděpodobné, že by toho aspoň zatím proti Americe využila, nepodřeže si svou zlatou husu. However, Chinacan see that America'scurrent policies and actions, spending vast sums in its foreign wars andgreatly neglecting its infrastructure, are rapidly weakening it. So will China'sstrategies change as a result? Well, for certain, they are going to continuemilking the cow as long as possible. Whilewe are discussing the bad things that can happen to America and the dollar, here is yetone more potential catastrophe. Just recently the ChinaDaily and People's Daily Online reported that an agreement had been finalizedwhereby China and Russiawould use their own national currencies in their bilateral trading rather than theU.S. dollar. Not only that, but China had previously made this same type ofagreement with Brazil.This appears to be an ominous trend that could, eventually, eliminate the U.S.dollar as the world reserve currency, a devastating blow to America. Čína se nedávno dohodla s Ruskem i s Brazílií, že budou ve vzájemném obchodování využívat své národní měny. To by byl pro Ameriku devastující úder. It seems like China, though quite a powerfulnation, has learned this lesson; that the "pen is mightier than the sword."But, sad to say, the same is not true of the U.S. which doesn't understand thatand probably never will as it has come to believe that overwhelming militarypower is the answer Čína ví, jak zařídit věci bez uchylování se ke kulkám, bombám a zastrašování, to Amerika nechápe. Chinaknows how to get things done in world commerce without resorting to bullets,bombs and intimidation; the U.S.does not. Yes, China is sitting in the catbird seat, holding by farthe best cards, all the aces, biding its time, trying to figure out the bestway to cope with the reality that its significant investments in America arebeing jeopardized by costly, misguided military actions, coupled with a sinkingeconomy. But the Chinese are a patient people whose objectives are long term;so we cannot really comprehend what specific plans Chinamay have for America,its maxed out credit card holder. China 'sleaders are clever and cunning but, above all, they are very astute andpragmatic in their approach to financial matters. No, they aren't going to cuttheir own throats by pulling the plug on U.S.securities to do harm to Americain any reckless way but, at the right time when it becomes evident that America's economy is nearing collapse, they willtake quick actions to protect their interests and America will be dealt a fateful economicblow. Nepodřežou si vlastní hrdlo vytažením zátky pod americkými cennými papíry. Až bude jasné, že US ekonomika se blíží kolapsu, provedou Číňané rychlou akci na ochranu svých zájmů, a Amerika obdrží osudný ekonomický úder. Michael Payne
The WikiLeaks release of secret documents from the State Department claims North Korea has provided missiles to Iran. That revelation could not have come at a worse time for a world trying to recover from the worst economic downturn in nearly a century. Quite simply, the people of the world would only experience increased economic hardship if the U.S. goes to war with Iran. Je to špatná zpráva pro lidi v době krize. Kdyby šly USA do války s Íránem, znamenalo by to ještě větší ekonomické strádání. Nonetheless if it is true that the Kim family regime is proliferating missiles or missile technology to places like Pakistan, Iran, Yemen, Libya, and Syria, it is a major problem for the United States and its allies that must be dealt with Jestli se opravdu dostávají rakety a raketová technologie do míst jako Pákistán, Írán, Jemen, Libye a Syrie, je to pro USA a spojence vážný problém. The missiles identified in the secret documents can hit targets 1,500 miles way. The deal was a violation of United Nations sanctions against Iran, a government that the United States and others claim is trying to develop nuclear weapons To ignore this activity is a recipe for certain disater and far worse conflict in the future. “The seemingly clever combination of the use of “sticks” and “carrots,” including the frequent official hints of an American military option “remaining on the table,” simply intensifies Iran’s desire to have its own nuclear arsenal. Alas, such a heavy-handed “sticks” and “carrots” policy may work with donkeys but not with serious countries,” Brzezinski told the Washington Post. Politika mrkve a hole nefunguje. „To zabírá na osly, ale ne na seriozní země“ (řekl Brzezinski) We all can see this approach has not worked with Iran or North Korea. Both yawned at the saber rattling of the Bush administration, and its “axis of evil” remarks and threats. Nezabírá to ani na Írán a Severní Koreu. Oba zívali při Bushových hrozbách. The combination of 30 years of deindustrialization and 10 years of shifting investments into China has taken away much of America’s geopolitical strength Also given the fact that North Korea holds a sizable advantage in the numbers of troops and weapons over the U.S./South Korean alliance on the peninsula; we could expect heavy casualties, huge financial costs, and little to no popular support at home for war In short, the United States would be better off avoiding yet another war. Zkrátka, bylo by lépe, kdyby se USA nové válce vyhnuly. China must stop down-playing North Korea and Iran’s nuclear ambitions, and get serious about being an honest broker for global stability. Války
Války pro 21. století The Multiple Fronts of the 21st Century “Great Game” The globe is gripped with a series of arenas where the struggle between the U.S. and its allies against the triple entente of Eurasia — Russia, China, and Iran — and their other allies are taking place. The Caucasus Front: Russo-Georgian Tensions and War Preparations Caucasia or the Caucasus is the region between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea that straddles the Caucasus Mountains. Like the Ural Mountains, the Caucasus forms the dividing borders of the politically defined continents of Europe and Asia. The Caucasus region itself, which can also be considered an extension of the Middle East For decades tensions have existed in this ethnically diverse region he aim of the Moscow-Yerevan-Tehran Axis in the Caucasus is to prevent external forces, specifically the U.S. and its NATO allies, from moving into the Caucasus and the energy-rich Caspian Sea Basin. The primal conflict in the region has turned out to be the one between Georgia and Russia, replacing the one between Russia and Chechnya.
The Balkans Front: Treachery against Yugoslavia and Moldova The Balkans is a hub for military operations in Eastern Europe and the Middle East V tomto kontextu byla velmi důležitou poloha někdejší Jugoslávie. The position of the former Yugoslavia was very important in this context. Yugoslavia has fallen, but in the Balkans there is still a pending geo-strategic game. The Middle East Front: The Resistance Bloc versus the Coalition of the Moderate The Middle East is the energy centre of the global economy. Along with Central Asia, it is one of the two most strategically important areas on the world map. It is through control of the Middle East that the U.S. and its NATO partners hope to contain China, the anchor of the global counter-alliance to the U.S. and NATO.
In terms of regional power, Iran is the Yugoslavia of the Middle East. Tehran has worked with its regional allies to resist U.S., NATO, and Israeli control over the entire region. Teherán spolupracuje se svými partnery v oblasti v odporu proti US, NATO a Izraelské kontrole nad celým regionem. The front in the Middle East is central to the U.S. strategy in Eurasia. The danger of a catastrophic global war igniting from the Middle East exists. Since 2001, this front has been fluctuating between cold and hot wars that are now aimed at containing Iran and its allies The region is both a powder keg and geo-political volcano. The Central Asian Front: A War for Control of the Heartland of Eurasia
Central Asia is the heart of Eurasia and at the centre of the Eurasian Heartland. Centrální Asie je srdcem Euroasie. The U.S. and NATO push into Eurasia is aimed at control of this region in its entirety. The region is a major geo-strategic hub that conveniently flanks Iran, China, Russia, the Caspian Sea, and the Indian sub-continent. From a military and spatial standpoint, Central Asia is an ideal place to create a wedge between the major Eurasian powers and to establish a military presence for future operations in Eurasia. Oblast je geostrategickým centrem výhodně sousedícím s Íránem, Čínou, Ruskem, Kaspickým mořem, a s indickým subkontinentem. Z vojenského a prostorového hlediska je Střední Asie ideálním místem pro vytváření klínu mezi hlavními euroasijskými mocnostmi a k ustavení vojenské přítomnosti pro budoucí operace v Euroasii. Central Asia also has vast oil, natural gas, and mineral resources. In the words of Zbigniew Brzezinski: “As an overlay to all this, Central Asia now witnesses a very complicated inter-play among the regional states and Russia, the United States (especially since September 11, 2001), and China.” [35] The 2001 invasion of Taliban-controlled Afghanistan was initiated with the objective of establishing a foothold in Central Asia and a base of operations to isolate Iran, divide the Eurasians from one another, to prevent the construction of pipelines going through Iran, to distance the Central Asian countries from Moscow, to take control of the flow of Central Asian energy, and to strategically strangle the Chinese. Podle Brzezinského invaze do do Afghánistánu byla motivována záměrem uchytit se v Centrální Asii a vytvořit bázi pro operace k izolaci Íránu, oddělit euroazijce navzájem od sebe, zabránit budování ropovodů přes Írán, izolovat země Centrální Asie od Moskvy, převzít kontrolu na toky energie v Centrální Asii, a strategicky potlačit Čínu.
The South Asia and Indian Ocean Fronts: Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, and the Waves South Asia or the Indian sub-continent is comprised of Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and the island states of Sri Lanka and the Maldives. In South Asia, the aims of the U.S and NATO are to prevent the creation of a secure energy route to China and to control the flow of energy resources and the territories they would go through. India also shares an interest in this. The instability in Pakistan is a direct result of the goal of preventing the creation of a secure energy route to China. The U.S. and NATO do not want a strong, stable, and independent Pakistan. They would rather see a divided and feeble Pakistan that can easily be controlled and would not take orders from Beijing or ally itself within the Eurasian camp. Lépe jim vyhovuje rozdělený a slabý Pákistán, který může být snadno kontrolován a nebude přijímat pokyny z Pekingu, nebo si vytvářet spojenectví uvnitř Euroasijského tábora. The militarization of the Indian Ocean has not stopped and is merely underway. Internal tensions in Pakistan and India, the regional tensions in South Asia between its states, and the tensions between New Delhi and Beijing all are threats to Eurasian cohesion and security. The East Africa Front: Somalia, Ethiopia, and Sudan In East Africa the U.S. and NATO strategy is to block China from access to regional energy resources and to setup a choke point to control international shipping. Like Central Asia, U.S. aims in East Africa, as well as the entire African continent, are to hinder China from superpower status.
The East Asia Front: The Shadow War against China In this current century, all roads lead to East Asia and China. This will become more and more so as this century progresses. In East Asia a shadow war is being waged against the Chinese. Ve východní Asii se vede proti Číně stínová válka. The U.S. and its allies are also interested in North Korea and Myanmar as a means of encircling the Chinese. The Latin America and Caribbean Fronts: America versus the Bolivarian Bloc The struggle in Latin America has spanned from South America to the Caribbean and Central America or Mesoamerica. The U.S. has been militarizing the Caribbean and Latin America to regain its control of the Americas The Pentagon has been arming Columbia and deepening its military ties with Columbia to counter Venezuela and its allies. American-garrisoned Haiti also serves the broader hemispheric agenda of the U.S. to challenge the Bolivarian Bloc using the westernmost ridge of the island of Hispaniola Haiti is located just south of Cuba. Geographically it is situated in the best position to simultaneously assault Cuba, Venezuela, and the states of Central America, like Nicaragua. The Arctic Front: Controlling Future Energy Reserves Tense rivalry involving the U.S., Canada, Denmark, Norway, and the Russian Federation has emerged in the Arctic Circle for the North Pole’s vast resources. Aside from Russia, all the nations involved are members of NATO. Rusko má největší nároky vzhledem k své teritoriální rozloze v oblasti. |
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